Pléiade: an overview

Pléiade is an interdisciplinary Research Center in the humanities at Sorbonne Paris Nord University. Founded in 2012, Pléiade was recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education as a “Host Team” in 2014 (Équipe d’Accueil 7338). It includes over 80 researchers who contribute to the production and dissemination of knowledge in geography, linguistics, history, art history, film studies, literature and cultural studies. It covers 6 main linguistic areas: Ancient Greek and Latin, French, English, Spanish and Portuguese. Its most salient productions have explored the fields of autobiography, youth literature, cultural transfers, health studies, conflict resolution, the history of publishing and urban margins.

With an open-minded, comparatist method reaching across varied disciplinary fields, Pléiade values the tenets of its collegial spirit, committed to an innovative interdisciplinary dialogue. Our Research Center 7338 is implemented on several levels: regionally, in its offices on Campus Condorcet, of which Sorbonne Paris Nord University is a founding member; nationally, by its contribution to promoting the humanities in French Research; and on an international level, with its many collaborations with universities and research institutions across the world.

Pléiade is a dynamic team, committed to both excellence and open-mindedness. Our ideal is a democratic approach to research; our goal the production and dissemination of knowledge in the 21st century.

Pléiade (UR 7338), in summary:

  • 80 researchers;
  • 50 associate researchers;
  • 40 doctoral students;
  • the offspring of three separate Research Centers (CENEL, CRESC, CRIDAF);
  • a Research Center at Sorbonne Paris Nord University, a founding member of Campus Condorcet;
  • a local hub in the Greater Paris;
  • a dynamic Reseach Center with collaborations in France and abroad.

Our Research Groups:

  • Group 1: Margins, inequalities, vulnerabilities (MIV)
  • Group 2: Circulation, Mobility, Heritage
  • Group 3: Politics, individuals, society
  • Group 4 : Representations, hybridity, forms.


Françoise Palleau

Françoise Palleau


Cécile Fourrel de Frettes

Cécile Fourrel de Frettes


Murielle Gaude-Ferragu

Murielle Gaude-Ferragu


Our Research Groups:

  • Group 1: Margins, inequalities, vulnerabilities (MIV)
  • Group 2: Circulation, Mobility, Heritage
  • Group 3: Politics, individuals, society
  • Group 4 : Representations, hybridity, forms

Evaluation of PLEIADE Research Center by the National Evaluation Agency (HCERES) in June 2018:

Excerpt: « Host Team 7338, Pléiade, is the product of an in-depth and successful reshuffling, as the 7 groups in place have shown at the term of this contract. The latter have renewed the map of research in the humanities at Paris 13 University, while keeping a cross-cutting approach between the methods, the research focuses and the disciplinary fields of the previous centers. A balance has been found between individual disciplinary expertise and collective, multidisciplinary methods. The Center is well implemented on a local level, and has obtained several sources of funding. The research groups have all been dynamic in their participation in projects funded nationally (by the Agence Nationale de Recherche ANR, or Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique GIS), or internationally, as well as in their publications in prominent journals. »



Unité de recherche Pléiade
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
93430 Villetaneuse

Research support staff